New choral Music Society

Advocating for choral creators and their voices!

We Listen

Welcome to (y)our home

New Choral Music is exciting, joyful, painful, and current. It helps us to digest the events of our lives in the 21st century while learning to connect with others through our voices.

Thanks to new choral music, many stories and ways of thinking come together and fit right in to make the world a kinder place. The following numbers below are not even close to reality:

Choral Creators

Choral Listeners

Drinks after concerts

Let’s figure things out

New Choral Music Path

We want to be able to share a place where we can understand language and best practices that lead to meaningful connections!

Notation Guidebook

The Notation Guidebook is intended to be resources about choral and vocal music notation for composers, conductors, and singers to navigate scores. We don’t claim to be right, but rather offer things that have worked for others.

Composition Competition

The Notation Guidebook is intended to be resources about choral and vocal music notation for composers, conductors, and singers to navigate scores. We don’t claim to be right, but rather offer things that have worked for others.

Choral Composer Fee

The Notation Guidebook is intended to be resources about choral and vocal music notation for composers, conductors, and singers to navigate scores. We don’t claim to be right, but rather offer things that have worked for others.

There can’t be life without
New Choral Music

I mean… there can be, but If that was the reality, I would completely start a secret choir in a basement and write things to sing together. Is this a movie idea or what?

Let’s advocate together!

Become A Volunteer


Let’s keep in touch as we develop more partnerships, and create more resources to advocate for new choral music!